Intergenerational aesthetics
A future-oriented approach to aesthetic theory and practice
Intergenerational aesthetics, intergenerational thinking, aesthetic values, applied aesthetics, aesthetics of lived environmentsAbstract
This article introduces the philosophical sub-specialty of intergenerational aesthetics, which centers in the study of aesthetic values and aesthetic choices taking into account the aesthetic appreciation of future generations. Acknowledging a temporal dependency between the present and the future in aesthetics offers a new perspective to explore aesthetic values, perception, and judgments as well as practical aesthetic decisions. This essay discusses the main concerns of intergenerational aesthetics, including its theoretical stakes, its disciplinary and interdisciplinary influences, its normative aspect, the role of intergenerational thinking in theory and practice, and presents a specific case to illustrate the pressing importance of introducing intergenerational considerations to our current aesthetic practices. It also proposes a series of potential avenues of research for further investigations in the field.
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