Spinoza: reasoned indifference as an introduction to adaptation in unusual circumstances
metaphysic, nature, passive-active, adaptation, indifference, SpinozaAbstract
The study offers a practical model of Spinoza’s behavioral teachings for empowering a person’s ability to cope in stressful situations. The concept of different and indifferent exerts significant implications on everyday lives of a person. This model offers philosophical tool for the intellectual control of emotions that weaken a person’s power to act.The first part offers Spinoza’s metaphysical basis, focusing on the two titular concepts that represent humans and nature. Next is Spinoza’s philosophical method of guiding people toward conduct that is associated with and derived from nature’s reasoning as values that ameliorate everyday conduct. The practical layer of this study offers a basic model, a philosophical anchor, which can be used for the formulation of empirical research questionnaires on various topic associated with an individual’s adaptation to a challenging emotional environment and all it entails (feelings, ability to function etc.). The study also present a sample questionnaire formulated according to the Spinozist model. The study’s final part presents several interviews conducted by the author in the model’s spirit as an outline for future empirical studies and for the formulation of curricula designed in the spirit of Spinoza’s behavioral philosophy.
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